By: Isabella Cabral
Having an essay due two weeks from when it was assigned is the preferred deadline for students, as you have more time to complete your work. I'm sure many students do what I do, and leave the assignment a couple days before the deadline due to the lack of motivation. As a student, I am aware that this can be challenging. So, I have included three ways to stay motivated during the school year!
The first way students can stay motivated, is to set small goals for themselves every day. Let us refer back to the example of the essay. Instead of cramming the whole assignment in a single day, you could instead set a small goal of 100 words a day. Doing this can help your brain refrain from procrastination, since it seems like less work and not an entire assignment that must be completed within one night. It also helps your mental health, so you don't feel overwhelmed as you're getting little by little done each day. Day by day, you will feel the progress being made. This method is also flexible, meaning that you could instead write 200 words in one session, and write 50 the next day to accommodate for your pre-scheduled plans. This is a great strategy to make sure the work gets done, ensuring you won’t wait until the last day to finish that essay!
The second strategy is to have a support network. A support network is a group of people in your life tasked to encourage and assist you to achieve your goals. These people need to be positive, and must have the same mindset as you with regards to your schoolwork. If your support group doesn't have your goal at the forefront of their mind, then it’s time to consider some adjustments to your group, as they will have a negative effect on your studies. Having a proper support group in your life will help you to stay motivated because they will be there if you are struggling to do your work that day, will help answer your questions, and will become new homework buddies to make doing that essay more fun. A support group is beneficial, fun and keeps you motivated to do your school work!
The last strategy you can pick up to stay motivated is to celebrate your accomplishments. This is an easy strategy you can adapt that’s also fun and engaging! This can simply look like getting a donut after submitting that essay you put-off for so long. This will encourage you to get work done because you start looking forward to these celebrations. Another example of this, could be noting improvements in test scores. For example, scoring 78% on one test and 83% on a later test. These small improvements are important to celebrate, as putting lots of work into something should be acknowledged and rewarded. This will help you to stay engaged because of the reward you give yourself after every accomplishment. Celebrating these little wins with yourself or even family and friends will be a great feeling that will make you work hard to achieve that feeling again!
In conclusion, it is important that we stay motivated during the school year, so we can produce our best work and get things done in a healthy manner. These three tasks will keep you from procrastinating and are the steps crucial to getting that A+!
