Welcome to the Jaguar Jungle!
Christ the King's Official Student Newspaper

What is Jaguar Jungle?
The Jaguar Jungle is an online newspaper and gallery made by Christ the King students to showcase the incredible creative and journalistic talents of our students. Writers, artists and photographers of various interests and styles join together to create publish monthly issues. This club is dedicated to enhancing and encourage creativity and self-expression.
Meet our leaders!

Teachers in charge: Mrs. McKee and Mrs. Service
President and Editor: Kaelin Jumaa
Contact: kaelin.jumaa.084@my.ctk.ca
Media and Editor: Sarah D'Avila
Contact: sarah.davila.162@my.ctk.ca

"Words are the most powerful thing in the universe... Words are containers. They contain faith, or fear, and they produce after their kind."
- Charles Capps
Contact Information
It's never too late to join our writers corner! Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us whether you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or just any interest!
Room 334 at Christ the King Secondary School