By: Sarah Iskander
We are all back to school! Hopefully everyone had a relaxing summer so that they were able to recharge their batteries for this new school year. It’s a very important year for the Grade 12s at CtK as they are graduating and deciding what they want to do after high school. It’s a little bit stressful, but it's a very exciting time. There are so many decisions to make such as what school you want to go to after CtK or if you want to live on residence or if you want to go to school in a different country… there are just so many decisions. The Grade 12’s also need to make sure they are focused in order to receive the marks they need to get into the post secondary school and program they want. Additionally, it's also a very exciting time for the Grade 9’s as it is their very first year of high school. It’s a nerve-wracking experience coming into a new school where you don’t know your way around or any of the teachers. Coming from a Grade 12, trust me when I say that after time when you get to know everyone and your way around this massive school, you will have a very enjoyable time at Christ the King.
Let’s start off this new school year right with a positive attitude and a good mindset!