By: Julia Allegro
Semester Two came faster than likely any of us had expected. Some people may be scrambling to pass courses and exams, others ready to move on. Though each situation deals with their own struggles, here are some of my thoughts that may calm your stresses going into Semester Two.
Any high school student knows how stressful exam season can be, with tons of studying to do and loose ends to tie. While all of this is important, it is also important to recognize when you need to take breaks for yourself, that is the easiest way to dodge mental burnout. Your grades do not define you; remember to prioritize your health and wellbeing over any assessment. Though burnout is what we try to avoid, it is perfectly normal to experience it as well! It’s a common feeling we all go through every once and a while, feeling so extremely tired but perhaps not the kind that sleep can fix. You want a nice, well deserved break, or even to sleep for a thousand years. When feeling like this, I’d like to relax myself in all ways possible. Maybe that would be sleeping for 20 hours straight, taking a hot shower, or doing all those little things I didn’t have time for while studying. But everyone is different, and the tricky part is figuring out what works for you!
Something I’ve come to terms with is that your mind and your body must work in tandem to reach your full potential. Your body is what holds your mind, your thoughts, you. Theoretically, how could you treat it poorly and expect to be productive? Your brain is about ¾ water; it needs hydration along with every other organ in your body, as well as some food and love. I’ve noticed myself becoming more productive with a regular exercise routine. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, it’s what works for me. It’s incredible what just an hour of socializing, exercising and having fun can do when you’re stressed! While working out, you naturally release a bunch of hormones called “endorphins”, which help relieve stress and improve your overall well being. Overall, take care of your body and your body will take care of you!
My last little study tip is to stay organized and find an effective rhythm that works for you. This can apply to anything in life, but helps specifically in your studies. Make sure you fully understand what you are learning in class before going home to attempt homework. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! As someone who asks a million, there's no such thing as a stupid question-especially when it's beneficial to you! Having a constant homework schedule is important, as well as keeping your binders and books organized. If you can maintain it throughout the semester, it becomes a lot easier to begin studying for exams. Especially in subjects like science and math, I like to keep my notes detailed and neatly organized. I keep them somewhere I know I won’t lose them. It’s important to remember that though you may be trying to keep your schedule constant, life is not always and it is okay if you skip a day, or have to do double to catch up.
Especially if you are new to high school, this may seem like a lot of information to take in. But I am confident that with the right amount of effort and diligence, you will find your own rhythm that works for you! Everything I’ve mentioned are from my personal experiences and are tips I’ve learned from them all the way. Good luck to everyone heading into their next semester, stay motivated, Jags!