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Comet (A Creative Biography)


“Hurry up Nova! She’s not into you!” I call, dragging out the ends of my words. A pinch of embarrassment touches me when others look my way curiously. I just want to get home, it’s freezing out here. In the most isolated town ever with only one high school, practically everyone I know is here. Which is great. We are so far up north some of us have ever seen so much as a live green tree. Our town is called Evergreen. Ironic right?

You’d think reindeer like the cold considering all the tales you’ve heard of us living in the North Pole. I can tell you about ninety-nine percent of whatever you’ve heard is false. Not all reindeers are lucky enough to work with-let alone meet-Santa, or ever step a hoove into the North Pole. And I hate the cold.

I hear Nova give his newest crush goodbyes and promises of meeting again, which will most likely never happen. Finally, we’re trotting down the path back home. There's a mutual silence between us for a minute. The only sounds being snow crunching under our hooves and the howl of the ceaseless wind.

“Do you take constructive criticism well?” I ask, about to give him advice on his love life.

“I take cash or credit,” he retorts sarcastically. Though not kidding in the slightest. He’s probably broke at the moment after spending the previous weekend out all day with friends and partying at night.

I give him a side eye while he looks animated with energy as always. I feel cold snow starting to seep in my fur. A blizzard is expected tonight.

“We could’ve been home by now,” I pointedly remark, “if you were ever on time.”

“What even is time, if you really think about it?” Nova seemingly pondered.

“Mhm…” I trail off. I’m not in the mood for his riddles and games since my teacher decided to assign us an extra long reading this evening on reindeer evolution, my favorite.

I’m sure you can tell which out of me and my twin brother is the more responsible. You’d think I’m the oldest, too, but Nova has a solid couple minutes on me he won’t let me forget.

Coming into view on our path home is a fork in the road; we see it everyday. Since childhood, we were told to go right because it leads home. I’m not actually sure where the left leads, I’ve never walked down there. Nova has of course. Apparently it's like nothing I’ve ever seen before — light-up trees that make up an otherworldly forest and a place where your worries wash away. Though as far as I can see down the trail, it looks exactly the same as it looks over here. Exactly the same as the rest of this town; snow covered with cascading evergreen trees towering over all.

Once Nova notices this coming up too, he immediately starts gaslighting me into thinking we should go down the left path, away from home when a blizzard is expected to arrive soon.

“Come on, Comet,” Nova mocks “Live a little, we can just go walk around for like…ten minutes?”

I stare at him like he has an antler growing out of his side.

“I’ll stop bothering you if you come with me today,” he pleads.

This offer grabs my attention. Nova is always going on about how I should “widen my horizons” and “explore more of the world around me.” I feel myself cave with a smirk creeping on my face.

“YOLO,” I shout. Repeating what he's always telling me.

“That's the spirit!” He laughs and bumps heads with me. “Let me show you the ropes. The lay of the land and just what you’re in store for. I am the wise one here after all.”


“Awe come on, I’m finally taking my baby brother on his first spontaneous adventure!” When I look over, Nova is smiling angelically at me.

I’m looking at him in dare. Say it one more time.

I guess he doesn’t want to fight after getting my agreement to this. So he prances away as if nothing happened. Whistling to himself jovially calling me to hurry up.

I stare daggers into his back, but maybe he’s right. When's the last time I was a little spontaneous?

“It’s two minutes,” I mumble as I trot to catch up to him.

We follow the path deeper into unknown territory, or rather, unknown to me only. Though, I have the feeling that Nova has been bringing us in circles for the last ten minutes.

“Remind me where we're going again?” I ask, starting to regret coming along.

“The fun is that we don’t know,” Nova stated, as if obvious. “With all due respect, which really is none if I’m being honest with you,” I glanced at him warningly. I’m here for his benefit entirely, “I’ve been here before, you haven’t. I got it.”

I huffed out a big cloud of steam.

I let him lead us around for another little bit. Taking in my surroundings and trying to remember landmarks. The snow is ever continuous and never patterned, nothing to really see there. The only mark we’re leaving is foot prints which are getting blown away with the passing seconds. I feel the eternal cold under my hooves and hear whispers in the breeze. The shocking cold winds don’t phase me anymore than the sun that's starting to set above us. I’m becoming hungry… and more and more annoyed. We should get going.


He merely looks at me but it is all I need to read his face. We’re lost.

“Which way is home?” I ask slowly.

“See, I could’ve sworn it was left at that tree and right at the post, but now I’m thinking this next right up ahead passing the tree and post.” He answers tentatively knowing I was about to go off on him.

“There are trees and posts on every single corner in the next ten miles!” I shout, feeling my blood starting to boil. Why did I ever think this was a good idea? I’d shove his own antler down his throat if he wasn’t my best chance at getting home.

“Just give me a minute! We have primal instincts right? I feel mine about to kick in any second now…” He looks as if he is concentrating really hard, but he actually looks constipated.

“I’VE GIVEN YOU ALMOST AN HOUR AND NOW WERE LOST!” My temper officially is let off its leash.

“YOU KNOW WHAT, COMET?” Nova finally snaps at me. “MAYBE IF YOU EVER ACTUALLY DID ANYTHING OTHER THAN SIT IN YOUR ROOM ALL DAY, YOU COULD HELP ME OUT OF THIS.” He turns on me accusingly, as if I was the reason we were here, I don’t even know what ‘here’ was supposed to be!

This is when I truly lose it. I charge at him head first and we clash antler on antler. Both of us are grunting with exertion, trying to push the other one over. I haven't been this mad at my brother in a while, we usually get on well. I just can’t stand it when people don’t own up to their mistakes. I’m about to knock him on his back when we both freeze, hearing an inaudible yet urgent voice. We both start moving towards it as if in a trance.

“Help! Help! Please someone, help me!” It sounds like an older fellow, pleading with all he has left.

I start to run towards the voice, Nova fast on my heels.

“Hello! Where are you?” I call out and glance at Nova, looking as startled as me.

“Here! I’m in a small clearing! Can you follow my voice?” The man sounded desperately relieved.

“Hold on!” Nova shouted in his direction. “I think I know where he is,” Nova tells me before taking off.

“At least you're helpful for something,” I mutter before quickly catching up to him.

He leads us to a clearing, and sure enough, there is a man stuck under a fallen tree.

“Sir, we’ll get this off you in just a moment!” Nova tells the man assuringly.

“When we count to three we’re going to lift this up so you can crawl out,” Nova instructs the man, “Ready?”

The man grunted in reply.

Nova looked at me as if asking me the same question. I nodded getting in position.

“One” I counted down. I felt Nova grab hold of his side.

“Two” He continued, I heard the determination in his voice.

“Three” We said in unison, lifting the tree.

The man scrambled up and out quickly. We let the tree down to turn around to face him. Both of us froze when we saw who this man was. Not just any man, a legend in the flesh. It could be no one other than…

Santa?!” Nova and I said with the same uncertainty.

No one other than the one and only was casually stretching his stiff limbs and straightening out his clothes in front of us.

“Comet. Nova.” He smiled at us like old friends.

Nova and I gave each other the same startled look. He knows our names.

A cloudy white beard came down his chin on his kind face. He was wearing casual clothing, but we noticed he must've been lying on top of his hat as he picked it up and put it in the only right place. It fell on his head with practiced grace.

“Well boys” Santa started, “I am so glad we found each other on this fine evening.”

“O-Of course.” I stammered.

“May I ask why you two were out here to begin with?” Santa raised a mischievous eyebrow, seeming as if he already knew our answer.

“We were just out for a casual stroll, two brothers wanting to spend some time together.” Nova said in an overly nonchalant tone. “Right Comet?”

I glance at him to find his stare promising to continue that sparring match if I did not agree.

“Yep yep. Nothing more.” I went along with him bemused.

“I’m only letting lying slide because you guys saved me,” Santa gave us a very fatherly look, “but I encourage you to always be truthful not only for the good of others and yourself, but you guys have been on my nice list your whole lives. We wouldn’t want to change that, would we?” he said with a knowing smile.

Nova and I smiled sheepishly at him.

“Santa?” Nova asked, “May I ask, ever so humbly to your grace,” He may as well bow, I thought, “Why are you out here tonight?’

Santa chuckled lightly, it sounded exactly as you’d imagine. An uplifting and warm “ho ho ho!”

“I am actually lost as well” he said looking at Nova when he said “lost”. “My elves have been experimenting with ever so advanced technology. Whatever happened to a good Jack-In-The-Box?” Santa uttered with a twinge of sadness in his voice. “That’s besides the point. They were creating something to do with GPS devices, I walked in at the wrong time and next thing I knew I was here.”

We all looked around the forest, the sun was beginning its descent and the snow was lightly falling on us all.

“I was on my way trying to walk back home when an enormous gust of wind hit the fragile tree I was standing beside and it fell right on me.” Santa added matter-of-factly. “I can feel my pull of magic guiding me home, I just don’t know how long it will take me to get there…” he trailed worriedly.

“Oh well, that's easy,” I explained, “Nova and I can bring you back!”

They both stared at me hesitantly.

“That is very kind of you Comet,” Santa began, “But are you sure you’re willing? You would not be home for another day or two, I could make it back fine on my own.”

“Of course we're going to help you,” I assured him “It’s our small thank you after all the years of joy you’ve brought us.”

“Totally! I am not just going to forget about that year you brought me my first pair of skates.” Nova added in almost an offended manor. “Let's get you home.”

“Do you have anything else here you might have dropped when you fell?” I thought out loud searching to make sure we’d leave nothing behind.

“I have everything I need.” Santa ensured with an earnest smile. “I cannot thank you boys enough for your kindness.” He almost reminded me of my grandparents, speaking so lovingly, like we could do nothing wrong.

“Sure, sure.” I replied hurriedly. “Climb on my back and lead the way, it’s getting cold out here.”

Santa laughed with good nature, grabbing his things and climbing back as I knelt for him.

I looked up at Nova quietly nodding at him. You're good?

He responded with the sure set of his jaw and determination in his eyes.

We’re going to bring Santa home. We’re going to the North Pole, I realized with excitement.

Santa sat comfortably on my back, a surprisingly easy load. Nova reassuringly at my side. We can do this. With that steadfast notion, we set off on an adventure. An adventure I will carry with me until I’m old and grey.

“Okay, old man,” Nova teased, “Where to?”

“This may seem obvious, but we’re just heading North for a couple hundred miles give or take.” I heard Santa reply while adjusting himself on my back.

“You tell me if I’m getting too heavy, Comet.” Santa mentioned apprehension tainting his voice.

“Don’t worry about me,” I reassured him for the tenth time in the last ten minutes. “If I need a break you’ll be the first one to know. Or Nova can take over for a bit.”

“Does anyone have a compass by chance?” Nova asked. “Because I realize now I have no clue which way is north.”

“Yes Nova, I just happened to bring a compass with me tonight worrying that this exact scenario would arise.” I retorted, sarcasm acidically dripping from my tongue with a roll of my eyes.

“Alright boys,” Santa cut in with his fatherly voice “I’m surprised you were never taught to find your way, all the more reason to teach you now.”

“Look up and around,” Santa said, directing our gazes at the almost set sun. “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. We can see the sun setting right now in what must be west, so with that we know north is about…” Santa was turning clockwise away from the sun “Here.”

“Cool party trick.” Nova laughed, though clearly being genuinely impressed.

“I just hope you guys remember that next time you get lost to have some direction back home.” Santa said quietly.

“Me too.” I agreed. We mutually laughed though Santa was definitely not joking.

With that I said “Let's get going then, we’re losing each minute we waste.” setting off northbound.

Nova caught up easily keeping pace behind me. We ran through the unforgiving cold, with the wind drowning out the sound everyone was lost in thought. We ran for about an hour when Santa patted my back a few times indicating for us to stop. We took a rest in a clearing quite similar to the one Santa fell in.

Santa leaped off my back. As we walked to a huge tree to sit under, I asked him “What's up? Why are we stopping”

“I figured you guys could use a second to rest, we’re about half way there.” Santa replied with a knowing smile indicating there's something more he was about to say. “Since we are closer to the North Pole, I’ve regained enough of my magic to make it physical. How would you guys like to fly back to the North Pole?—”

“Yes.” Nova spoke without hesitation.

“That would be insane,” I agreed “but we’ve never flown before…” If you told me I’d be saying that to the Santa Claus just a couple of days ago, I would have laughed at you.

“Ho Ho Ho!” Santa chuckled heartwarmingly, “That’s nothing to worry about, I’m sure you guys will pick it up fast.”

And surprisingly we did.

With a flick of his wrist Santa sent shimmers to each of our feet making me feel weightless. With so much as a thought Nova and I were soaring around with this new ability, laughing like kids. Santa had a way of bringing out the child in everyone.

When I looked over at Nova I saw the fearlessly unguarded brother I knew him to be. So much so he headed straight for a tree. “Nova!” I warned him.

He narrowly dodged a broken nose and laughed like nothing could be wrong.

Our first flight is a moment I will always hold close to my heart.

“We will have plenty of time to soar around once back at the North Pole.” Santa shouted below us with a grin. “Comet, let me get back on your back, so we can get home.”

Home. A completely foreign thought while passing trees and soaring higher than birds. But he was right, we need to get going.

Nova and I floated just above the ground while Santa reclaimed his spot on my back. Once we were settled I called back to both of them “Ready?”

With two positive responses we were yet again on our way. I could vaguely hear Santa laughing behind me as we passed through clouds always ascending. We traveled above the clouds at the altitude of an airplane. The air was different up here, I could feel it. Weirdly it didn’t have an effect on any of us, which must be a consequence of Santa’s enchantments.

For the final stretch of our journey, Nova and I were grinning from ear to ear, enjoying the blissfulness of flight.

Santa pulled me out of my head when he shouted at us “We’re landing here!”

“10-4.” I respond, enjoying the fantasy of being a pilot a little too much.

“Ha!” I heard Nova following my descent, knowing he knew how much I was enjoying myself too.

Once we were back below the clouds, we were greeted with a breathtaking view.

In between the valley of two snow covered mountains was a village of stars and cosmos. Decorations, homes and light bleeding together into one profounding image.

“Woah.” Nova and I breathed in unison.

I knew Santa was smiling without looking at him.

“Do you see that stable with the runway in front of it?” Santa asked, “Land there.”

We both touched down without issue. Once flat on the ground Santa jumped off my back and I shook my fur out like a wet dog. Taking in my surroundings, I saw cozy homes with warm light emanating from them, cobblestone paths connecting each building to the next, the streets and lamp posts decorated with garland and mistletoe, icicles hanging from every white roof top. In front of me seemed to be part of Santa's home, it looked like an oversized gingerbread house, I loved it. From one of its frosted doors appeared a woman around Santa’s age, whom I assumed to be Mrs. Claus. She ran to embrace him tightly. I watched as they hugged, electricity filled the air and they were surrounded by gold shimmers like the ones that helped Nova and I fly. The shimmers burst out from them like a shockwave and coated the village making everything seem…happier? I wasn’t sure but something changed.

“Oh my, oh my!” I heard Mrs.Claus exclaim, fussing over Santa. “I am so glad you’re okay! When the elves told me what happened I was worried sick!”

“We’re fine dear, no harm no foul.” Santa assured her.

“We’re?” questioned Mrs. Claus looking over at my brother and I, “You make friends no matter where you go.” She chuckled to herself “Who are you gentlemen?”

“I’m Comet, this is Nova” I said, gesturing to each of us. “We crossed paths with Santa and ended up being able to help him get home.”

I glanced at Nova who was awestruck by everything around him. He caught my eye, smile politely. We both did though it might have been over the top because the Claus’s both laughed.

“I cannot thank you boys enough for bringing Mr. Claus back safely, you two are welcomed here anytime.” Mrs. Claus said earnestly. Nova and I looked at eachother bright eyed.

“That's very generous.” I responded in kind, we’ll probably take them up on that offer.

“Of course!” Santa exclaimed. “It’s too bad the holidays just passed, you guys could have enjoyed Christmas here. Alas, there will be many more christmas’ to come. Right now, we should get you guys home.”

Nova and I had sad smiles on our faces, knowing he was right.

“I think we can have one more adventure while we're at it.” Santa said with a twinkle in his eyes. “Follow me.”

Mrs. Claus disappeared back inside while Santa brought us into the stable. Before us lay a shiny red sleigh with intricate gold details and brown leather seats.

“How would you guys like to lead my sleigh tonight—”

Yes!” Now both Nova and I said together.

Santa grinned at us. “Let me strap you in.”

Once we were set side by side Santa stepped back to admire his work.

“Just one more thing.” He said with a smile. With the snap of his fingers he was in his iconic red suit and Nova and I had bells around our necks.

“Your magic is back?” Asked Nova looking around at the tricks' consequences.

“My magic was back the second we landed.” Santa responded, “It stems from my love shared with Mrs. Claus you know? That’s why I could find my way back here. Because she was here. My rock.”

It clicked in my head what I was feeling earlier. “Is that what was happening earlier? When you guys hugged, your magic was being restored?” Santa's eyes twinkled. I must have been feeling a reflection of their love, which is what perhaps influences the happy harmony throughout the village. This place really could get messy if Santa or Mrs. Claus was gone for too long.

I glanced at Nova and then Santa. Both seemed content, purly happy. I guess I was, too.

With that, Santa climbed in the back of the sleigh and said the magic words.

“On Comet.” Magic laced his voice and the shimmers were back at my feet. “On Nova” Nova let out a startled “Woah” adjusting to the sensation of buoyancy.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.” he laughed, balancing himself.

“Dash away! Dash away all!” Santa finished and we were back in the air before we knew it, on our way home.

When we got home it took me a while to adjust back to my reality. After interrogations with our parents were settled and life calmed down again, we stepped into our very normal routine for the rest of the year. Though it was winter all year around in Evergreen, it didn’t feel like Christmas all year around. Only the last quarter of the year could evoke those magical curiosities and wonders. Both Nova and I wanted to be in touch with Santa throughout the year but when we asked about it before he left last January he said we’d hear from him when the time was right.

On Christmas Eve, both I and Nova woke up to a fresh coat of snow on the town that was now fully ready to enjoy Christmas tomorrow. We ran out to the mailbox hoping for a letter, but heard no word from Santa all day. Nova and I just turned 18 and at the end of the night were discussing our plans to move out, start our own lives, and what we wanted to do to help the community. We were the only ones awake and the house was quiet.

Until it was not.

There was a defining thump that shook the house walls. Nova and I startled but ran up to the roof in an instant. When we stepped outside we were presented with the awe-inspiring image of Santa in his red suit and hat, with six lined up reindeer decorated in garland and bells leading his magnificent sleigh. My brother and I were smiling like little kids once more. After our adulting conversation and the anxiety that came with it it was nice to step down and simplify life back to the joys and anticipation of Christmas Eve.

Santa had that promising twinkle in his eyes.

“Won’t you guys lead my sleigh tonight?” he said as if it was obviously our right.

We graciously accepted the offer. Santa strapped us in side by side right up front. The other reindeer gave us smiles of encouragement and greetings. We were going to have yet another unforgettable night full of laughter, fun, spreading joy and hope. It’s going to be amazing.

And I’m sure it won’t be the last time.


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