By: Erin Robinson
September 2016 was the first day at my new school. There was a big playground that was bigger than the school. Behind that was a forest. The forest was really big, and we weren't allowed to go in it during recess. On the first day when our class went for a walk, we went into the forest and stayed near the school. We went about halfway in, enough to see a bit of a house. My friend told me about the story of the house and how it was haunted. One day our class went into the forest to draw. My friend and I went to the back of the forest and to the house. There was no fence so you could walk up to it. My friend touched the house, but I stayed behind. There were big windows at the top that were cracked. It is rumored that in 1997, a 13 year old was thrown out of the window by a family member. The pool water looked like it hadn't been changed in years, and the house looked old and abandoned. Everyone at the school says that in the 1990’s, a big family lived in that house. Almost all of them died in the house. Most of the deaths were from the house collapsing. When my friend touched the house, I got a weird feeling. It felt like someone was there, but no one was. I also think I heard a laugh that didn’t sound normal, and that probably came from inside the house. My friend didn’t feel/hear anything, so we left. Nothing else really happened until 2018. That year a lot of stuff happened around that house. First of all, workers re-did the water system (there was a river that ended before it could reach the house). They made it so the river would go in front of the house blocking anyone from getting to it unless you wanted to climb on the side of a fence. Some people in my class still climbed the fence and touched the house. I would feel like someone was there every time someone touched the house. One day, my friend, my friend’s friend, and I were outside of the forest at recess. My friend was talking about how they thought their old friend died in the forest, and as soon as they brought up a “book”, I felt really sick. The year before I went to the school, my friend had another friend. They both went into the forest one day and found a book in front of the house. It was about the story of the house. When they picked it up, they saw a figure behind them. They threw the book and both ran. When my friend got out of the forest, they couldn’t find their other friend. To this day they still haven't been found. I wasn’t feeling sick before, I just suddenly did when they brought up the book. They both seemed fine, but I went to the office. I had pictures of the house that I took during the earlier recess. I deleted those pictures because I felt like something was telling me to, which is why I have no pictures to show. About five minutes after deleting the pictures, I felt fine. I was really sick for fifteen minutes, then it was gone. About a week later, the fire alarms went off and the fire station came to the school. There was no fire, the alarms had just gone off for no reason. Some think it was computer problems, but the maintenance people said there was nothing wrong with them. Some think that a spirit did it. About a month later, we were inside our class. There is a door in our class to get outside that is only able to be opened from the inside. The handles were taken off outside a year earlier because people were breaking in. Randomly the door opened and stayed open for about two seconds. No one opened the door and there was no way for it to be opened from the outside. It was pretty scary, especially since my desk was the closest to it. A few times I walked in the forest alone, and when I did, I felt like something was following me, and I would always leave before I got near the house. There was another house that was built in the 1800’s that used to be near the edge of the forest. One time my friends and I went there and we found bricks from the house. The house was torn down in the 1960’s at some point. I don’t know if anyone died there, but me and my friend once saw a black circle where the house used to be. We don’t know if it was a ball or a figure. Near the end of the year, they were doing construction on the house. We weren’t allowed to go into the forest. It seemed like they were getting it ready to sell, after sitting there for 25 years. When I graduated from the school, I thought I would never have to go back there. But the next year, we had a field trip and our bus pickup stop was in the parking lot right beside the house. Of course, our bus would be an hour late… enough time to look at the house. It was painted blue, the windows were fixed, and the pool was gone. But it still had the creepy feeling that someone was there. I saw something dark black through the upstairs window. It looked like a figure. It was really cold near the house, so I went back to wait for the bus. Since that day I haven't been near that house. I can’t find any info online, and I don’t have any proof that it’s haunted, and I’m not really sure if it was. The only way I can describe how it looked is this game on ROBLOX. It isn’t the exact house, but it looked somewhat similar to the way we could see it from the forest. This game is a ghost hunting game. When I played it, I felt like I was walking into the actual house, which I had never been in. I don’t want to ever go back to that house, because it was probably the scariest thing I have ever experienced.

The game is called Specter on ROBLOX (can’t link it cause the site is down).