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The Broken Promise: Introduction



I never considered myself a writer nor do I believe that it could be a path I would think about pursuing in the future but then again I started this club with the hope of exploring and sharing my thoughts so as you can see I am quite torn.
One of the biggest mistakes I made in high school was romanticizing what it would be like to fall in love. Our society is guilty for this because every product advertised is meant to make your life better. From simple appliances to perfumes. BE BETTER. BE PERFECT or suffer the consequences of loneliness. I think this amplified during the pandemic because people were alone with their thoughts, started prioritizing themselves, and with that came higher expectations of others, especially in relationships. I've decided to write a story. I won't tell you if its fiction or based on real events because honestly I haven't decided yet but in the spirit of weekly posting I hope it'll reach you guys in a way that inspires and breaks your expectations of what high school is really like. I've decided not to sign my name because that'll make this more fun right? Now I won't leave you with nothing so enjoy the overview and see you next week :)


One of these times I am going to fall asleep in this geography class. My eyes couldn't help flickering shut as my teacher talked about the landscape of British Columbia. Not only did I give a rats- about geography it was also in French ( which I could care less about, to be honest but here I am anyway) and all I could think about while staring at that boring map on Mme. Odiosis's Powerpoint was how screwed I would be if someone kidnapped me and placed me in the middle of the woods.

Maybe I would be fine... right? I started drifting.... staring at the president's photographs hanging crookedly on the left-hand side of my teacher.... daydreaming about the road trip I wanted to take once I got my license. I would have my two best friends Sophia and Jessalyn by my side and we would be blasting every Kesha song on the highway, annoying every Karen around.

Suddenly, the car started spinning out of nowhere and we were about to crash into a ditch when I was unwillingly snapped back into reality. Sophia who was trying to get my attention asked if I was ok. Nodding, I yawned and said, "Yeah, I'm just tired, didn't get much sleep last night because you know who could not stop yelling with his valorant buddies." She looked at me knowing what I had gone through last night. It's been three years since she first started dating my brother and initially, of course, it was a shock but they make each other happy so I guess it's fine... plus if all things go well *insert wedding bells and sisters to life reference*.

As if God was on my side the bell rang and we were finally dismissed for the day. I got up and started making my way towards the bus.

I said goodbye to Sophia and headed out the northwest door by the parking lot. As I was walking out I started to untangle my headphones, (music was honestly how I got through my days recently), and with a smile on my face from my accomplished untangling, I started scrolling through Spotify to my Friday playlist. Out of nowhere my happy bubble burst as I heard a sound that immediately, instinctively, I shot my head up. The revving of the 1.5 L 3-cylinder engine I know all too well began to approach a little too quickly for my liking and with that, I started picking up the pace towards my bus. Remember when I said God was supposed to be on my side. That was a funny joke don't you think? I faintly could hear a car door open enrages the nerves in my fists but they were momentarily relieved as a brush of hope ran through my head. I noticed I was two steps from getting on my bus, my escape. As if it was on cue a shout and an arm blocked my safe passage, the arm of course with a tattoo I couldn't help but recognize. Leo was standing right in front of me with a devilish smirk on his face. Looks like he's back. GrEaT . MarvElOUs. Terrific. OF course he's HERE.


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