By: Sarah D'Avila

Forrest Gump (1994)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Cast: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, and Gary Sinise
Director: Robert Zemeckis
Box Office: $683.1 million
Summary: Tom Hanks stars as a simpleton, Forrest Gump, with an IQ score of 75. We see thirty years of his life where he lived through the presidencies of Kennedy and Johnson, the Vietnam War, the Watergate scandal, and many more iconic historical events. Through all the events in his life, he meets his best friend, Bubba (Mykelti Williamson), and war lieutenant, Lieutenant Dan Taylor (Gary Sinise). However, one thing remains the same… his desire to be with his childhood sweetheart, Jenny (Robin Wright).
Similar to my first impressions of About a Boy (2002), I thought this was going to be a very simple rom-com, but, again, I was pleasantly surprised when it was not that! This film is quite versatile with many feelings conveyed by complex characters.
Forrest Gump is an interesting character played by the beloved movie star, Tom Hanks. The actor portrayed this character in an elegant way and did not ridicule the struggles Forrest faced. You were able to feel the emotions he was displaying through the screen; his curiosity, his losses and grief, perseverance, and more. In addition, Tom Hanks had the ability to validate the reasoning behind the character’s actions in the book. For example, he made a promise to his best friend, Bubba, and never broke it; even after years and years of not seeing him.
Overall, I enjoyed the production, casting, and storyline of this film. During the movie, there were shots that captured the feeling being conveyed in the scene. For example, when Forrest Gump is in a ping-pong tournament, the camera angle is set up on the table, pointed towards Tom Hanks and the ping-pong balls are flying above. This camera angle radiated the tension and focus of the character.

One thing I liked about this film is the fact that some things were never explicitly said. I enjoyed this as I feel that in life, you never know everything that will come your way or everything about a certain person. “Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” - Forrest Gump.
This movie teaches you many lessons but the main one I learned is to appreciate life while you have it. The character of Forrest Gump grew up with different disadvantages such as a low I.Q. and a crooked spine but he was able to overcome these and live life to the fullest. He experienced major events and learned many lessons throughout his life.
I would recommend this film to anyone ranging from ages 13+ as it has an MPAA rating of PG-13. It includes comedy, drama, romance, action; meaning there is something for everyone in one movie! Something this movie also includes are significant historical events which adds so much more to the storyline of the movie. Forrest Gump is a great movie to watch and I would recommend it to anyone as it is now one of my favourite movies of all time!
Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆/5