By: Isabella Cabral
November 11th, 1919. The first-ever remembrance day. A holiday celebrated across Canada every year. A day we celebrate and acknowledge all the sacrifices of those who served and protected our country but, what else should you know about this important day?
Remembrance day is a day to remember all those who lost their lives fighting for our country. This is very important. We started celebrating this holiday after the first world war to remember all those who were no longer with us—those who died and survived helped world war I tremendously. Canada successfully attacked the German strongpoint, Vimy Ridge. This helped advance part of the British army to check the German attacks nearby. This was a significant factor in ending the war and Canada played a big role in that. It is important we celebrate Canada's work and remember those who lost their lives doing this, with around 3,598 soldiers just in this battle.
It is super important we remember those who lost their lives fighting for our country. It is also important we give credit and remember all that the women did back in Canada to help our country during this hard time. Sadly, back before the war started women and men did not have equal opportunities and women did not get to do many tasks and jobs. When a lot of the men were sent off to war, women were allowed and began to work in the factories to help make equipment for the war. They also worked in banks and as police officers, something they were not allowed to do before. Also, 2 400 women served overseas as nurses, ambulance drivers and other important roles. It is crucial on Remembrance day we remember the soldiers who fought but also the women who filled these important roles and kept Canada going.
Now that you know how Canada helped defeat world war I and who we are remembering, what should you do to pay your respect to all these major people? Firstly, buying and wearing a poppy is a great way to show your support for the soldiers and the day itself. When you buy a poppy from the poppy campaign by the Royal Canadian Legion, the money goes towards helping veterans with financial problems, long-term care facilities, home services and many more great things. Secondly, on November 11th at 11 am, you can take two minutes of silence to honour those who died serving our country. The last thing you can do is explain to others who may not understand or were not taught, why remembrance day is such an important day for Canada.
Overall, Remembrance Day is such an important day to remember all those we lost fighting for our country. It's also a day we can be proud of Canada and remember all that we did for others. November 11th is a day to never forget as a Canadian.